Workshops continued...

The first activity we were given as a group was to create a story or expand on a given image using the materials provided. The materials were paints, pencils, pastels and more drawing materials. I felt quite wary at this task at first because I felt like my group was quite, and so I became shy as well. Slowly we started to give input and started to create a story from the picture. We made decisions as a group and we separately worked on our paper and then brought it together on the bigger paper. I liked this, I felt like everyone gave their own input but it was still a group piece. This is something I could take into my new environment, I feel like it may not work efficiently because the children may become rowdy and others may take control over others but I will see if this happens. It is also a good way to see how everyone works and how people think differently. I like how different ideas are given; it gives you a chance to see how they work and gives them a chance to see how I think.
The second activity was more hands on, which I enjoyed quite a lot. From our drawn image, in pairs we had to create something 3-D. From the workshops from the 1st week, I felt more confident making something 3-D as I had a bit of knowledge. It made me think out of the box and I started using materials like straws, modelling clay, and paper. Working in pairs, I felt much more confident and I felt I had more control of what we were doing. My partner and I both gave input and equally agreed on what we wanted. I enjoyed using the modelling clay because the textures that could be created and could be changed into any form. However, it was messy and left a smell on my hand that was not pleasant. I do not feel like this material would be suitable for the using in the primary school, they children may swallow or damage clothes.

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