Over the holidays..

Over the holidays I though I’d research into the primary school and started looking at PGCE’s to prepare myself for next university year.

From researching, Northernden community school had been involved in textiles and art activities. I noticed on there website the year 5 children had created stitched slippers. This shows the schools interest towards the subject and so I felt like the school would love what we were going to do for them. I felt like working with children from years 4-6 would be best to work with, I felt for myself they would be easier to cope with and they would have more interest in it than the younger years. From the lecture on the Primary school, it was mentioned that they wanted us students to create something on the idea of the playground and nature.  I had some ideas in mind for workshops that I wanted to do. From the totem workshop I felt like I wanted to expand the idea of using unusual materials and I wanted to bring across the point to the children that art isn’t just about drawing. It is about the way you use material in a certain way, which creates art. I wanted them to explore their minds and think out the box because I feel kids are more imaginative. Ideas such as using everyday materials to create art and textiles were something I wanted to do. Artists such as Michael Brennand-wood, Herb Williams and Jason Meicer all use unusual materials from wood to broken pieces of makeup. Some of these materials may be dangerous to use but I could find materials that would be suitable. Also from Lynn Setterington’s workshop on scuffle puffs, she combined traditional textiles techniques with everyday materials such as plastic bags. This could be an idea used with the children, but I will have to think about the safety of using the needles, maybe buying some suitable for children. Another idea I had in mind was mark making from nature and bringing origami into it and making flowers, maybe a shrine from the idea of nature. These are just ideas that I had in mind, even if I can’t use all of them, I will try take elements from them because this is something I want to achieve from the children.

I have been looking into PGCE’s for primary school, currently I have been looking into these based at Manchester metropolitan university and Manchester university. Most of them require a 2:1 honours and experience. I feel over the holidays I should be looking into doing more experience and maybe in secondary as well just so I have the experience for both and so it gives me more choice for the future. Also thinking about doing full time and part time is something to consider, because I was thinking of continuing my own practice on a part time basis, however this may change. Doing a PGCE in primary school would require myself to learn English, maths and science as well as specialising in art and textiles. I have to think about whether I could take this on, but I feel confident that I can and I am excited to get started at the primary school. I feel once I get the experience I will know whether I am certain.

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