
·         Morning activity was introduced about apostrophes. This was vital as it sets the children off by re-jogging their memories.
English comprehensive
·         Splits different groups up to different comprehensions. (depends on their learning ability)
·         Gives guidance on what to do and where to find answers.
·         Teacher sat with a group of children and gets everyone involved by making them read a paragraph and asking questions. The children were eager to answer.
·         Making sure everyone is taking it in and helps them understand and allows the teacher to help them if they’re stuck.
·         Teacher speaks confidently and in English that is understandable for the children.
·         Brings other topics in which relate to work, she creates a conversation which makes everyone feel comfortable.
·         For myself, I felt tempted to do the help them and do the work for them, but I realised they have to learn for themselves.
·         Some children not confident in maths and so teacher gives them more help and practice and then puts them back onto the worksheet.
·         This was a group activity
·         Discussion – distracted each other and got off topic sometimes
·         I interacted to help them think
I learnt that some children’s learning ability is different from others so you have to give them time and patience. You have to plan your time effectively to fit everything in; you cannot let distractions get in the way as you are on a time limit. When thinking about the time the children at the school, it seemed long however watching the teacher go through the day I felt like there was a shortage of time, which is why everything has to be planned.

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